Claim a contact identifier

Conditions préalables

 Les autorisations suivantes :

  • External Contacts > External Organization Add
  • External Contacts > External Organization > Delete
  • Contacts externes > Organisation externe > Affichage
Note: You can claim phone, email, and social channel identifiers (Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp).
  1. Cliquez sur Annuaire .
  2. Cliquez sur Contacts externes.
  3. Tapez tout ou partie du nom ou de l’organisation du contact dans le Rechercher des contacts ou des organisations boîte.
  4. In the result list, click the row of the contact that you want to view.
  5. In the Contact Summary panel, click the star icon for an unclaimed identifier icon next to the identifier that you want to claim. 
  6. In the Claim Identifier dialog, click Claim to link the identifier to the current contact.

    An image of the Claim identifier dialog when claiming a previously claimed identifier

    Note: If that identifier is already claimed by a different contact, click Claim to reassign the identifier to the current contact.
    When an identifier is claimed, a star icon for a claimed identifier icon is displayed next to the claimed identifier.