Série : Configurer CX Cloud, Digital et AI pour Salesforce Service Cloud Voice

Créer un client OAuth pour Salesforce Service Cloud Voice

Conditions préalables:
  • OAuth > Client > Add permission in Genesys Cloud

To allow the Lightning app in Salesforce Service Cloud Voice to receive a token, create an OAuth client. The token allows the app to make requests to the Genesys Cloud API and represents the user’s permissions for the app to access Genesys Cloud data. The app uses tokens when requests to API endpoints require authorization.

  1. Cliquez sur Admin. 
  2. Sous Intégrations, cliquez sur OAuth.
  3. Cliquez sur Ajouter un client. Les détails onglet du client s’affichent.
  4. Set App Name to a descriptive name of the app. This name appears when someone authorizes this OAuth client.
  5. (Facultatif) Dans le La description Dans la boîte, tapez une brève description de l’application.
  6. Next, set the duration of time until tokens created with this client expire. Accept the default duration, or enter a value between 300 and 172800 seconds. This sets the lifetime of the token to a maximum of two days or less.
  7. Select Token Implicit Grant as the Grant Types. Grant Types set the way that an application obtains an access token.
    Note: Implicit Grant (Browser) is a single-step authentication process where a user authenticates with Genesys Cloud and the client application directly receives an access token. This option provides less security for the access token than the authorization code grant, but is ideal for client-side browser applications (for example, JavaScript) and most desktop applications (for example, .NET WPF/WinForms or Java desktop programs).
  8. In the Authorised redirect URIs box, enter your Salesforce Service cloud URI for the OAuth configuration. Your Salesforce URI format is: https://xxxx.lightning.force.com/lightning/page/home, where xxxx is the name of your Salesforce org.
    Note: If the Use Pop-up Authentication is set to Yes in the CX Cloud, Digital and AI utility, then the redirect URL uses the static resources in /resource/genesysps__genesysAuthCallback. The URL format is:  https://xxxx.lightning.force.com/resource/genesysps__genesysAuthCallback.
  9. Click the Scope box and then add the following list of scopes to your app:
    • conversations
    • Notifications
    • Présence
    • response-management:readonly
    • routage :readonly
    • Charger
    • utilisateurs:lecture seule
    • webdeployments:readonly
    • messagerie:readonly
  10. Cliquez sur sauvegarder.  Genesys Cloud crée un ID client et un secret client (jeton).